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Posted 4 months ago

Which of the following policies is most likely to increase potential output in the long run?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Policies that encourage more household spending.
(B) Taxes on the gains from the sale of assets.
(C) Taxes on business investment.

D Weakening protections on intellectual property.
(E) Policies that encourage more saving for retirement
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the policy that directly impacts long-term potential output: Policies that encourage saving for retirement can increase the capital stock over time, which is a determinant of potential output
step 2
Analyze the impact of other policies: Taxes on business investment and gains from asset sales are likely to reduce investment, while weakening intellectual property protections could discourage innovation. Increased household spending can boost short-term output but does not necessarily increase long-term potential output
step 3
Conclude with the policy that has the most positive impact on potential output: Encouraging saving for retirement increases the capital available for investment, which can enhance productivity and potential output in the long run
Key Concept
Capital accumulation
Policies that encourage saving for retirement can lead to increased investment in capital goods, which enhances productivity and potential output in the long run.

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