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Posted 10 months ago

Which of the following reflective symmetries apply to the quadrilateral below

Applies to the figure?

Reflective symmetry over BF\overline{B F}

Reflective symmetry over AD\overline{A D}
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Determine if the quadrilateral has reflective symmetry over BF\overline{BF}. Reflective symmetry over BF\overline{BF} means that the figure should be a mirror image on either side of BF\overline{BF}
step 3
Check the given hash marks on the line segments. Since AF\overline{AF}, AB\overline{AB}, BC\overline{BC}, DE\overline{DE}, and DC\overline{DC} all have two hash marks, it indicates that these segments are equal in length
step 4
Analyze the symmetry over BF\overline{BF}. If AF\overline{AF} and AB\overline{AB} are equal, and BC\overline{BC} and DE\overline{DE} are equal, then the quadrilateral is symmetric over BF\overline{BF}
step 5
Determine if the quadrilateral has reflective symmetry over AD\overline{AD}. Reflective symmetry over AD\overline{AD} means that the figure should be a mirror image on either side of AD\overline{AD}
step 6
Analyze the symmetry over AD\overline{AD}. Since AF\overline{AF} and AB\overline{AB} are equal, and BC\overline{BC} and DE\overline{DE} are equal, the quadrilateral is symmetric over AD\overline{AD}
Key Concept
Reflective Symmetry
Reflective symmetry means that one half of the figure is a mirror image of the other half. In this case, the quadrilateral has reflective symmetry over both BF\overline{BF} and AD\overline{AD} because the line segments on either side of these lines are equal in length.

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