Which of the following situations would allow agents to gain from specialization and trade with one another?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) The terms of trade are between the two agents' opportunity costs.
(B) The agents have the same opportunity costs.
(c) One agent has absolute advantage in both goods.
(D) One agent has comparative advantage in both goods.
(E) Either agent has absolute advantage in either of the goods.
Certainly! Let's analyze the given question from a macroeconomic perspective.
Which of the following situations would allow agents to gain from specialization and trade with one another?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) The terms of trade are between the two agents' opportunity costs.
(B) The agents have the same opportunity costs.
(C) One agent has absolute advantage in both goods.
(D) One agent has comparative advantage in both goods.
(E) Either agent has absolute advantage in either of the goods.
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