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World History
Posted 10 months ago
Which of the following statements about black employment during the Second World War is least accurate?
1) Black employment increased significantly during the Second World War.
2) Black workers faced discrimination and segregation in the workplace.
3) The war created new job opportunities for black workers.
4) Black workers were given equal pay and benefits as white workers.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Here is your solution:

During the Second World War, the United States saw a significant increase in black employment. This was largely due to the labor shortages created by the war effort, as many white Americans were enlisted in the military. The demand for workers in various industries, including manufacturing and agriculture, led to new job opportunities for black Americans.

Despite the increase in employment opportunities, black workers continued to face discrimination and segregation in the workplace. This discrimination took many forms, including restricted job types, lower wages compared to white workers, and limited advancement opportunities. The segregation was both de facto, due to prevailing racial attitudes, and de jure, through laws and workplace policies.

The war did indeed create new job opportunities for black workers. The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) was established in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to prevent discrimination in war industries and government jobs. While the FEPC had limited power, it was a step towards addressing employment discrimination.

The statement that black workers were given equal pay and benefits as white workers during World War II is the least accurate. Despite the FEPC's efforts and the increased demand for labor, pay and benefits for black workers were not equal to those of their white counterparts. The wage gap persisted, and black workers often received lower pay for the same work.
The least accurate statement about black employment during the Second World War is: 4) Black workers were given equal pay and benefits as white workers.
Key Concept
Employment opportunities for black Americans increased during WWII, but they continued to face discrimination and inequality in the workplace.
The increase in black employment during WWII was a significant development, but it did not equate to equal treatment or pay in comparison to white workers, making statement 4 the least accurate.

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