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Posted 4 months ago

Which of the following statements correctly identifies a difference between monopoly and monopolistic competition?

Choose 1 answer:

A There are many buyers in monopoly, but there are only a few buyers in monopolistic competition.
(B) The demand curve is downward sloping in monopoly, but not in monopolistic competition.
(C) There are barriers to entry in monopoly, but not in monopolistic competition.
(D) There is only one firm in monopoly, but there are a few firms in monopolistic competition.
(E) The monopoly firm charges a markup, but a monopolistically competitive firm does not.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Definition of Nash Equilibrium: A Nash equilibrium occurs when each firm chooses the best strategy given the strategy chosen by the other firm
Application to Prairie Glen and Mountain View: In the context of Prairie Glen and Mountain View selling flavored fizzy water, a Nash equilibrium would be a set of pricing or production strategies where neither firm can increase its profit by unilaterally changing its strategy
Example: If both firms decide to set a high price, and neither can increase profit by lowering the price while the other keeps it high, this is a Nash equilibrium

 Question 2: Impact of Violating a Collusive Agreement
Definition of Collusion: Collusion occurs when firms in a duopoly agree to set prices or output levels to maximize joint profits
Impact of Violation: If one firm, say Mike's Munchies, violates the collusive agreement by lowering its price, it can temporarily increase its market share and profits. However, this can lead to a price war, reducing industry profits in the long run
Example: If Mike's Munchies lowers its price, Frida's Foods may respond by also lowering its price, leading to lower profits for both firms

 Question 3: Difference Between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition
Correct Answer: The correct answer is (C) There are barriers to entry in monopoly, but not in monopolistic competition
Explanation: In a monopoly, high barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market, allowing the monopolist to maintain market power. In monopolistic competition, there are low barriers to entry, leading to many firms in the market
The correct answer is (C) There are barriers to entry in monopoly, but not in monopolistic competition.
Key Concept
Barriers to Entry
In a monopoly, high barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market, allowing the monopolist to maintain market power. In monopolistic competition, there are low barriers to entry, leading to many firms in the market.

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