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Posted 4 months ago

Which of the following would cause an unambiguous decrease in nominal interest rates?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Aggregate demand increases
(B) People are able to access money more easily
(c) Households sell bonds
(D) A decrease in the monetary base
(E) An increase in the price level
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To determine the effect on nominal interest rates, we must understand the relationship between the supply and demand for money
step 2
An increase in aggregate demand (A) typically leads to higher prices and potentially higher interest rates, not a decrease
step 3
If people can access money more easily (B), this implies an increase in the money supply, which can lead to lower nominal interest rates
step 4
Households selling bonds (C) would increase the supply of bonds and decrease their price, leading to higher interest rates
step 5
A decrease in the monetary base (D) would lead to a decrease in the money supply, which would typically increase interest rates
step 6
An increase in the price level (E) is associated with inflation, which often leads to higher nominal interest rates
step 7
The only option that unambiguously leads to a decrease in nominal interest rates is when the money supply increases, making money more accessible (B)
Key Concept
Money Supply and Interest Rates
An increase in the money supply, assuming demand remains constant, typically leads to lower nominal interest rates.

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