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Posted 5 months ago

Which of the graphs below correctly illustrates a market in equilibrium?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the characteristics of market equilibrium: Market equilibrium occurs where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded. This is represented graphically by the point where the supply curve (S) intersects the demand curve (D)
step 2
Analyze the given graphs: We need to find the graph where the supply and demand curves intersect, and this intersection represents the equilibrium price (P*) and quantity (Q*)
step 3
Eliminate incorrect options: Graphs that show the supply curve as a vertical line (Graphs D, E, and F) indicate a perfectly inelastic supply, which is a special case and not representative of a typical market equilibrium. Therefore, we can eliminate Graphs D, E, and F
step 4
Compare the remaining graphs: Graph A shows a downward-sloping demand curve intersecting an upward-sloping supply curve at a point marked with an 'X'. This point is where the market is in equilibrium. Graph B shows a similar intersection but at a lower quantity and higher price, which could indicate a surplus or shortage depending on the context. Graph C shows an intersection at a higher quantity and lower price, which could also indicate a surplus or shortage
step 5
Select the correct graph: Since Graph A shows the typical intersection of supply and demand curves without any indication of surplus or shortage, it is the correct representation of a market in equilibrium
Key Concept
Market Equilibrium
Market equilibrium is represented by the intersection of the supply and demand curves, indicating the equilibrium price and quantity where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded.

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