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Posted 4 months ago

Which of these graphs correctly illustrates a monopolistic competition in long-run equilibrium?

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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition in the Long Run: In the long run, firms in monopolistic competition will produce where P=ATCP = ATC and MR=MCMR = MC. This means that firms will earn zero economic profit, similar to perfect competition. However, unlike perfect competition, firms in monopolistic competition will not produce at the minimum point of the ATC curve, leading to excess capacity
Allocative Inefficiency: Allocative inefficiency occurs when the price is not equal to the marginal cost (PMCP \neq MC). In the long run, firms in monopolistic competition are allocatively inefficient because P>MCP > MC. This is in contrast to perfect competition, where P=MCP = MC in the long run, leading to allocative efficiency
Identifying the Correct Graph: The correct graph for monopolistic competition in long-run equilibrium should show the demand curve (D = MR) tangent to the ATC curve at the quantity where MR=MCMR = MC. This indicates zero economic profit and excess capacity. Based on the provided descriptions, Graph A is the correct illustration
Graph A correctly illustrates monopolistic competition in long-run equilibrium.
Key Concept
Monopolistic competition in the long run results in zero economic profit and allocative inefficiency.
In the long run, firms in monopolistic competition produce where P=ATCP = ATC and MR=MCMR = MC, leading to zero economic profit. However, they do not produce at the minimum point of the ATC curve, resulting in excess capacity and allocative inefficiency (P>MCP > MC). Graph A correctly depicts these characteristics.

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