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Posted 5 months ago
Which screening New born or Carrier or Diagnostic is used to identify a genetic condition in fast and efficient manner before life threatening symptoms arise,using chromosomal Micraroarray
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) is used to identify genetic conditions in a fast and efficient manner before life-threatening symptoms arise.
Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) : This is a powerful genetic test that can detect chromosomal imbalances, such as deletions or duplications, that are often not visible under a microscope
Newborn Screening : While newborn screening can detect certain genetic disorders, it is typically limited to a panel of specific conditions and may not identify all chromosomal abnormalities
Carrier Screening : This type of screening is used to identify individuals who carry a gene for a genetic disorder but may not show symptoms themselves. It is not typically used for diagnosing genetic conditions in newborns
Diagnostic Testing : Diagnostic tests such as CMA are used when a genetic condition is suspected in an individual, often based on physical symptoms or family history
Key Concept
Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) is the most comprehensive test for identifying genetic conditions before symptoms arise.
CMA can detect a wide range of chromosomal imbalances, making it a fast and efficient diagnostic tool for genetic conditions in newborns.

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