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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Which statement best describes why independence movements turned violent in Kenya and Algeria?
A) The soviet Union supplied Kenya and Algeria with weapons to weaken Western colonizers
B) Britain and France used military force to put down protests, leading to large-scale riots
C) Kenya and Algeria had representation in colonial governments and had the power to organize militias
D) Kenya and Algeria both had large European populations who were unwilling to give up their power
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
B) Britain and France used military force to put down protests, leading to large-scale riots
Key Concept
Decolonization and Resistance to Colonial Rule
In both Kenya and Algeria, the struggle for independence from European colonial powers turned violent in part due to the harsh responses of the colonial governments to peaceful protests. In Kenya, the Mau Mau uprising against British rule involved guerrilla warfare and was met with a severe crackdown by British forces. Similarly, in Algeria, the quest for independence from French rule led to the Algerian War, characterized by guerrilla warfare and brutal counter-insurgency tactics by the French. These conflicts were not simply the result of external provocation by the Soviet Union or internal organization by colonial representatives, but rather a reaction to the oppressive colonial regimes that were determined to maintain control over their colonies.

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