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World History
Posted 9 months ago
Which statements best complete the diagram explaining American
involvement in Vietnam?
(1) The leader of North Vietnam was assassinated; (2) The United States
had an opportunity to install a new leader in North Vietnam
(1) North Vietnam developed ties to the Soviet Union; (2) The United States
supported a South Vietnamese invasion of the North.
(1) A communist leader took control of North Vietnam; (2) The United
States worried that communism would spread further.
(1) France gave up control of Vietnam; (2) The Soviet Union launched
attacks into democratic South Vietnam.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
(1) A communist leader took control of North Vietnam; (2) The United States worried that communism would spread further.
Key Concept
Domino Theory and Containment during the Cold War
The United States' involvement in Vietnam was largely driven by the Cold War policy of containment and the fear of the "domino effect," where one country's fall to communism would lead to the spread of communism in neighboring countries. Ho Chi Minh, a communist leader, took control of North Vietnam after the First Indochina War, leading to the division of Vietnam into communist North and anti-communist South. The U.S. supported the South Vietnamese government to prevent the spread of communism, which aligns with the statement that the U.S. was worried about further spread of communism.

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