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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
Which two of the following would be considered optimal ways to access a Cloud Provider's authorized resources?
private Direct Connection
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
When considering the optimal ways to access a Cloud Provider's authorized resources, we must evaluate the security and efficiency of each method.
Telnet is an older protocol that transmits data in plaintext, which is not secure for sensitive information.
Private Direct Connection offers a dedicated network connection between your infrastructure and the cloud provider, which is secure and can provide consistent network performance.
FTP, while widely used for file transfer, does not inherently provide encryption for data in transit, making it less secure than other methods.
Therefore, the two optimal ways to access a Cloud Provider's authorized resources from the options provided would be:
Private Direct Connection: for its secure and dedicated connection that can ensure data privacy and consistent performance
FTP with TLS/SSL (FTPS or SFTP): if FTP must be used, it should be secured with TLS/SSL to encrypt the connection and protect data in transit. However, this option was not explicitly listed, so within the given choices, only Private Direct Connection stands out as optimal
In conclusion, the optimal methods for accessing a Cloud Provider's authorized resources are Private Direct Connection and, if FTP is secured with TLS/SSL, FTP. However, since only FTP was mentioned and not FTPS or SFTP, the most secure option provided is the Private Direct Connection.

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