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World History
Posted 9 months ago
While the collapse of Anuradhapura appears to have been triggered by a ____ , that doesn't explain the root causes of the Anuradhapura Kingdom's vulnerability - this appears to have been the result of ____
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
While the collapse of Anuradhapura appears to have been triggered by a foreign invasion, that doesn't explain the root causes of the Anuradhapura Kingdom's vulnerability - this appears to have been the result of internal political instability and economic difficulties.
Key Concept
The decline of a civilization or kingdom often involves a combination of external pressures and internal weaknesses.
The Anuradhapura Kingdom, which was the first established kingdom in ancient Sri Lanka and thrived from the 4th century BCE to the 11th century CE, faced its downfall due to a complex interplay of factors. While the immediate cause of its collapse in the 10th century may have been due to invasions by South Indian Chola forces, the underlying vulnerabilities lay in persistent internal strife among Sinhalese royalty, factionalism, and economic challenges that weakened the kingdom's ability to resist external threats. These internal issues included succession disputes, power struggles, and the maintenance of large-scale irrigation systems that were vital for agriculture and economic stability.

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