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Posted 5 months ago
While you are collecting a throat specimen the patient gags and accidentally touches the swap with their tongue what should you do?why?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
If a patient accidentally touches the throat specimen swab with their tongue, you should discard the swab and use a new one. This is because the tongue can introduce contaminants that may interfere with the accuracy of the test results.
Discard the contaminated swab: The tongue can introduce bacteria and other contaminants that may affect the test results
Use a new swab: To ensure the accuracy of the test, a new, uncontaminated swab should be used to collect the throat specimen
Key Concept
Contamination from the tongue can introduce bacteria and other microorganisms that may interfere with the accuracy of the throat specimen test. Therefore, it is essential to use a new swab to avoid false results.

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