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World History
Posted 4 months ago
Who Opposed the Abolitionists?
7. Who were some northerners who opposed abolition, and why?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Some northerners who opposed abolition included certain politicians, industrialists, and immigrants. They opposed abolition for various reasons, such as economic interests, racial prejudices, and fears of job competition.
Key Concept
Opposition to Abolition in the North
In the North, opposition to the abolitionist movement came from different quarters. Politicians who were invested in maintaining the Union feared that the abolitionist agenda would provoke secession by Southern states. Industrialists in the North, particularly those in the textile industry, were concerned about losing the raw materials (cotton) supplied by the slave labor of the South. Additionally, many white working-class immigrants and laborers feared that the end of slavery would lead to increased competition for jobs, as they believed freed African Americans would migrate north and undercut wages. There were also widespread racial prejudices among some northerners who did not believe in racial equality and were opposed to the social changes that abolition might bring.

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