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US History
Posted 4 months ago

Who said "Remember the Alamo!" and what did this famous phrase mean?
Choose 1 answer:
President John Tyler, who used this phrase to warn against
annexing Texas.
Sam Houston, the leader of the Tejano forces. He used this as a
battle cry after Santa Anna and his troops attacked the Alamo.
Santa Anna, after he led the Mexican attack at the Battle of the
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The phrase "Remember the Alamo!" was famously used by Sam Houston, the leader of the Texan forces. He used this as a battle cry after Santa Anna and his troops attacked the Alamo. Therefore, the correct answer is B.
Key Concept
The Texas Revolution was a pivotal event in the 19th century, where Texan forces fought for independence from Mexico, culminating in the Battle of San Jacinto where the cry "Remember the Alamo!" was used to rally troops. (KC-4.3.II)
The phrase "Remember the Alamo!" became a powerful symbol of resistance and motivation for the Texan forces during the Texas Revolution. It commemorated the sacrifice of the defenders of the Alamo and served to inspire the Texan army to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto, leading to Texas gaining its independence from Mexico.

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