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World History
Posted 9 months ago
Why did concentration camps replace Einsatzgruppen?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Concentration camps replaced Einsatzgruppen as a more efficient and secretive method of mass murder during the Holocaust.
Key Concept
Transition from mobile killing units to stationary extermination centers
The Einsatzgruppen were mobile killing units that followed the German army into the Soviet Union and were responsible for mass shootings of Jews and other groups deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime. However, these mass shootings were public, often carried out in view of local populations, and were psychologically burdensome for the perpetrators. As the scale of the Holocaust increased, the Nazis sought a more efficient and less public method of extermination, leading to the development of concentration and extermination camps. These camps allowed for industrial-scale murder away from the public eye and reduced the direct involvement of Nazi personnel in the killing process, which was intended to make the process more efficient and less psychologically taxing for those carrying out the orders.

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