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World History
Posted 4 months ago
Why do people domesticated frits only in Malasia? Lemons have even less calories then apples, grapes, date fruites (sorry if I'm wrong with the term) and figs. There are plenty of tasty fruits all over the world.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The domestication of fruits is not limited to Malaysia. While Malaysia is known for its rich biodiversity and the domestication of certain fruits, many fruits have been domesticated in various parts of the world. Lemons, for example, are believed to have originated in Asia, specifically in regions like India and China, before spreading to other parts of the world. The domestication of fruits depends on various factors, including climate, soil conditions, and human preferences.
Key Concept
Domestication of Fruits
The domestication of fruits has occurred in different regions around the world based on local environmental conditions and human needs. Malaysia is one of many regions where fruit domestication has taken place.

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