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Posted 5 months ago
Why is a frameshift misserise mulation more likely to have a severe offect on phenotype than a nucleotide-pair substitution missense mutation in the same protein?
A framssh't missense mulation will cause an early Stop codon, bun a sulbstiturion miskense might be sient
A subetitution missense mutation causes the protein to be shenter and thus non-functiunal.
A kabstitution misserise affects orly ane codon, but a frameshift missense affects all codcns dawnatream of the frameshif.
A frameshift missmane will cause the eodars to be out of order but a subatitut on misserise does not change the arder of the codons.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
A frameshift mutation affects all codons downstream of the frameshift.
A nucleotide-pair substitution missense mutation changes just one amino acid and may not always affect the protein's function significantly
A frameshift mutation, caused by insertion or deletion of nucleotides, alters the reading frame of the codons in the mRNA, which usually results in a completely different and nonfunctional protein
The frameshift mutation can lead to a premature stop codon, which truncates the protein, or to a long stretch of incorrect amino acids, which can disrupt the protein's structure and function
In contrast, a substitution missense mutation might be silent or only minimally disruptive if the substituted amino acid is similar in properties to the original
Key Concept
Frameshift vs. Missense Mutations
A frameshift mutation changes the reading frame, affecting all subsequent amino acids and likely resulting in a nonfunctional protein, while a missense mutation typically affects only a single amino acid and may not significantly alter protein function.

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