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Posted 4 months ago

Why is it hypothesized that sexual selection is responsible for most of the variation seen in the human population?
because mutations are so rare in humans
because much of the variation is in visible characters
because mutations typically take place after reproduction has occurred
because humans are unique when it comes to sexual selection
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Sexual selection is hypothesized to be responsible for most of the variation seen in the human population because much of the variation is in visible characters.
Sexual selection: This is a mode of natural selection where typically members of one gender (usually males) compete for reproductive access to members of the other gender (usually females)
Visible characters: These are traits that can be easily observed, such as physical appearance, which are often subject to sexual selection pressures
Key Concept
Sexual selection and visible characters
Sexual selection often targets visible traits, leading to greater variation in these traits within the human population.

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