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Posted 9 months ago

Why is it important not to collect any yellow riboflavin along with the algal proteins? HINT: What can happen during ion exchange chromatography you allowed your algal proteins to be contaminated with riboflavin?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
It is important not to collect any yellow riboflavin along with the algal proteins during ion exchange chromatography to ensure the purity of the protein sample and to prevent interference in downstream applications.
Purity of sample: Collecting riboflavin with algal proteins can contaminate the protein sample, affecting its purity and potentially its functionality
Interference with assays: Riboflavin has a distinct yellow color and fluorescence, which can interfere with colorimetric and fluorescence-based assays, leading to inaccurate results
Specificity of binding: Ion exchange chromatography relies on the charge properties of molecules. Riboflavin may have different charge properties than the desired proteins, and its presence can disrupt the binding and elution process
Key Concept
Purity in protein isolation
During ion exchange chromatography, it is crucial to avoid contaminating the target protein with other substances like riboflavin to ensure accurate analysis and functionality of the isolated proteins.

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