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Posted 4 months ago
Why is plasmodium considered alive when viruese are not
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Plasmodium is considered alive while viruses are not because Plasmodium exhibits characteristics of living organisms that viruses do not.
Cellular Structure: Plasmodium is a eukaryotic organism with a complex cellular structure, including a nucleus and organelles, whereas viruses lack cellular structure and are composed of genetic material encased in a protein coat
Metabolism: Plasmodium has metabolic processes and can produce energy through cellular respiration, while viruses do not have their own metabolism and rely entirely on a host cell for energy and replication
Reproduction: Plasmodium can reproduce independently through asexual and sexual reproduction, whereas viruses can only replicate by infecting a host cell and using the host's machinery to produce new virus particles
Key Concept
Cellular structure and metabolic activity
Plasmodium is considered alive because it has a cellular structure and can carry out metabolic processes independently, whereas viruses lack these characteristics and depend on a host cell for replication and metabolism.

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