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Posted 5 months ago
Why is the serial dilution method utilized to dilute bacterial samples?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The serial dilution method is utilized to dilute bacterial samples to obtain a countable number of colonies for accurate quantification.
Gradual Dilution: Serial dilution involves diluting a sample in a stepwise manner, which allows for a controlled and measurable reduction in concentration
Countable Range: By performing serial dilutions, the bacterial concentration can be reduced to a level that falls within a countable range for colony-forming units (CFUs) on an agar plate
Accuracy and Precision: This method provides a reliable way to estimate the original concentration of bacteria in a sample by counting colonies from dilutions that yield 30-300 colonies, which is considered statistically significant for accurate quantification
Safety: It reduces the risk of handling highly concentrated bacterial cultures, which can be hazardous
Key Concept
Serial dilution is a method to systematically reduce the concentration of a bacterial sample for accurate quantification.
Serial dilution is used because it allows for precise control over the dilution process, ensuring that the bacterial concentration is reduced to a level that is both safe to handle and within a countable range for accurate measurement of bacterial numbers.

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