Why would they change from more rough edged rocks to more smooth softer rocks? It would make sense that the more spiky, rough edged ones would be better for hunting.
The transition from using rough-edged rocks to smoother, softer rocks in tool-making and other applications can be understood through several key factors in human history and technological development.
Firstly, while rough-edged rocks might seem more effective for hunting due to their sharpness, they also have significant drawbacks. Rough-edged tools can be more prone to breaking and may not be as versatile for other tasks. Over time, early humans discovered that smoother, softer rocks could be shaped and refined into more durable and multipurpose tools. These tools could be used not only for hunting but also for processing food, building shelters, and making clothing.
Additionally, the development of more sophisticated tools often coincided with advancements in human cognitive abilities and social structures. As humans evolved, they developed better techniques for tool-making, such as grinding and polishing stones to create more efficient and reliable implements. This technological progression reflects a broader trend in human history where innovation leads to improved survival and adaptation strategies.
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