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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
Write c code to implement round robin with q
Once each process finishes executing its burst time it go back to re
execute again after a certain come back time of each process. Simulate it until 
 time units
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
This C code simulates a round robin scheduling algorithm with a quantum time of 5 and a simulation time limit of 200 time units. Each process, once finished executing its burst time, will wait for its comeback time before it can be scheduled again. The code includes functions to initialize processes, find the next process to execute, and simulate the round robin scheduling. The "main" function initializes an array of processes with their respective burst and comeback times and then calls the round robin function to simulate the scheduling.
Step-by-step Instruction
Implement the `initialize_processes` function to initialize the processes with their burst and comeback times
Implement the `find_next_process` function to find the next process to execute based on the round robin scheduling and comeback time
Implement the `round_robin` function to simulate the round robin scheduling until 200 time units or until all processes are done
Write the `main` function to set up the processes and call the round robin scheduling function
Time Complexity
The time complexity of the round robin function is O(n) for each iteration, where n is the number of processes, because it iterates over the list of processes to find the next one to execute. However, since the simulation runs until 200 time units, the overall time complexity depends on the number of processes and their comeback times.
Space Complexity
The space complexity is O(n), where n is the number of processes, because the program stores an array of "Process" structures.

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