You can work as pairs (group of 2 students); don't forget to put your names on the assignment.
Please bring your answer sheet to my office until due date.
1. ( ) Write structural formulas for the products that form when 2 -pentene reacts with each of the following reagents:
c. in
d. in and , then
e. , then
2. ( 30 pts) By using the same alkene, how do you synthesize the following alcohols? Give the alkene and show the mechanisms for each product formation.
3. (15 pts) Give the structure of the products that you would expect from the reaction of 2 butyne with:
a. One molar equivalent of
b. One molar equivalent of
c. Two molar equivalents of
4. (30 pts) Propose a synthesis route for the following conversion. Give the appropriate reagents needed (it may include more than one step).
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