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Posted 9 months ago

You estimate that the proportion of viable hybrid offspring from this female is pp- hat =0.53=0.53 and the 95%95 \% confidence interval for pp - hat is 0.400.650.40-0.65. Based on these results, would you conclude that hybrid offspring from this fly are less viable than offspring from typical crosses within species?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Yes, based on these results, one could conclude that hybrid offspring from this fly are less viable than offspring from typical crosses within species.
Interpretation of Confidence Interval: The provided 95% confidence interval for the proportion of viable hybrid offspring (p^\hat{p}) is 0.40 to 0.65
Comparison with Typical Crosses: To conclude that hybrid offspring are less viable, the proportion of viable offspring from typical crosses within species should be outside the confidence interval and higher than 0.65
Key Concept
Confidence Interval Interpretation
The confidence interval gives a range within which the true proportion of viable offspring is likely to fall 95% of the time. If the proportion of viable offspring from typical crosses is known to be higher than 0.65, then the hybrid offspring from this fly would be considered less viable.

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