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World History
Posted 4 months ago
Your nation is one of the oldest, wealthiest and most populous in the world. Your Science and tech industries are the best in the world. But you are surrounded by weaker countries that build up their navies to threaten your colonies and steal your resources. They also want to take some of your territory. You fear they are growing stronger at your expense and eventually they might try to take over your homeland. You might lose your home and cultural heritage forever. What will you do? Why?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
A nation in this position might pursue a variety of strategies, including diplomatic efforts, military build-up, alliances, economic sanctions, or even preemptive strikes to protect its interests and maintain its dominance.
Key Concept
Realpolitik and Balance of Power
In the context of AP World History, a nation facing such threats would likely engage in Realpolitik, a system of politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations. This could involve strengthening its military, particularly its navy, to protect its colonies and trade routes. It might also seek alliances with other powerful nations to counterbalance the threat from its neighbors. Economic measures, such as sanctions, could be used to weaken the economies of the threatening nations. In some cases, the nation might consider preemptive military action to disrupt the plans of its adversaries. Throughout history, nations have often had to navigate complex international relations to preserve their sovereignty and protect their interests. The balance of power theory suggests that national security is enhanced when military capability is distributed so that no one state is strong enough to dominate all others.

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