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Posted 3 months ago

(a) Draw the photo induced electrocylic reaction for the reactant below. This reaction can also occur thermally. What differences in product would you expect?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
Identify the reaction: The given molecule is a benzene ring with two -CH2 groups attached to the same carbon atom on the ring. This suggests a potential electrocyclic reaction
Photo-induced electrocyclic reaction: In a photo-induced electrocyclic reaction, the molecule undergoes a ring closure or opening due to the absorption of light. For the given molecule, the reaction would involve the formation of a new ring structure
Thermal electrocyclic reaction: In a thermal electrocyclic reaction, the molecule undergoes a similar ring closure or opening due to heat. The product of the thermal reaction may differ in stereochemistry compared to the photo-induced reaction
Differences in product: The main difference between the photo-induced and thermal electrocyclic reactions is the stereochemistry of the product. Photo-induced reactions typically follow the Woodward-Hoffmann rules for conrotatory or disrotatory processes, leading to different stereochemical outcomes compared to thermal reactions
The photo-induced electrocyclic reaction of the given molecule will result in a new ring structure with a specific stereochemistry, while the thermal reaction will produce a product with a different stereochemistry.
Key Concept
Electrocyclic reactions can be induced by light (photo-induced) or heat (thermal), leading to different stereochemical products.
Photo-induced reactions follow the Woodward-Hoffmann rules for conrotatory or disrotatory processes, resulting in different stereochemical outcomes compared to thermal reactions.

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