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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
a company discovered that employees are using an authorised cloud storage services to store and share company data this on authorised use of cloud services create a significant security risk because the company has no visibility or control over the data stored in these devices what step should you take next
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
To address the issue of employees using unauthorized cloud storage services to store and share company data, which poses a significant security risk due to lack of visibility and control, the company should take the following steps:
Educate Employees: Conduct training sessions to inform employees about the risks associated with using unauthorized cloud services and the company's policies regarding data storage and sharing
Implement an Approved List: Create and enforce a list of authorized cloud storage services that meet the company's security standards
Use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tools: Deploy DLP solutions to monitor, detect, and block sensitive data from being uploaded to unauthorized cloud services
Establish Access Controls: Define and enforce who can access what data within the company, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information
Monitor Network Traffic: Regularly monitor network traffic for any unauthorized data transfer to cloud services and take immediate action if detected
Develop an Incident Response Plan: Create a plan to respond to security incidents involving unauthorized data storage or sharing
These steps will help mitigate the security risks associated with the unauthorized use of cloud services and ensure that the company maintains control over its data.

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