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Computer Science
Posted 10 months ago
can you explain how to make power modelling for each hardware component including cpu 
gpu, gps
 display,wifi, audio.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Power modeling for each hardware component is a complex task that involves understanding the energy consumption characteristics of each component under various operational conditions. Here's a general approach to power modeling for the components you've listed:
CPU Power Modeling
Measure or estimate the dynamic power consumption using the formula Pdynamic=C×V2×f P_{dynamic} = C \times V^2 \times f , where CC is the capacitance, VV is the voltage, and ff is the frequency
Account for static power consumption due to leakage currents
Use performance counters for real-time power estimation or benchmarks for workload-specific modeling
GPU Power Modeling
Utilize tools or APIs provided by GPU manufacturers for monitoring power usage
Model the power based on the GPU's utilization, frequency, and voltage
GPS Power Modeling
Model the power based on the time spent in each mode and the power characteristics of the GPS chipset
Display Power Modeling
Model the power consumption based on the type of display technology (LCD, OLED, etc.) and its size
WiFi Power Modeling
Model the power based on the data rate, signal strength, and activity level
Audio Power Modeling
Model the power based on the volume level and the duration of audio activity
To create accurate power models, you may need to use specialized hardware measurement tools, simulation software, or manufacturer specifications. Additionally, software tools and libraries can help in estimating power consumption based on usage patterns and operational states.

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