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15240672380's Question
Posted 5 months ago

consider the five samples (ae)(\mathrm{a}-\mathrm{e}) described below:
which samples contains the greatest and smallest number of H\mathrm{H} atoms
a. 0.35 molC2H40.35 \mathrm{~mol} \mathrm{C} 2 \mathrm{H} 4
b. 1×109mgH21 \times 10^{\wedge}-9 \mathrm{mg} \mathrm{H} 2
c. 350amuNH3350 \mathrm{amu} \mathrm{NH} 3
d. 6.0×1023H6.0 \times 10^{\wedge} 23 \mathrm{H} atoms
e. 10 gH2010 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{H} 20
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Key Concept
Avogadro's number and mole concept
Sample D has 6.0×10236.0 \times 10^{23} H atoms, which is Avogadro's number, representing one mole of H atoms, the largest finite number of H atoms among the options. To find the smallest number, we need to convert all samples to the number of H atoms and compare. Sample B, with 1×1091 \times 10^{-9} mg of H2\mathrm{H}_2, will have the smallest number of H atoms because it is a minuscule mass compared to the other samples.

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