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Posted 5 months ago
dentify examples of homology, comvergent evolution, and parallel evolution.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Examples of homology, convergent evolution, and parallel evolution
Homology: Homologous structures are anatomical features in different species that have a similar origin but may serve different functions. An example is the forelimbs of humans, bats, and whales. These structures have a common ancestral origin but have evolved to perform different functions such as grasping, flying, and swimming
Convergent evolution: This occurs when unrelated species evolve similar traits independently, often because they live in similar environments or face similar selective pressures. An example is the wings of bats and birds. Although these animals are not closely related, they have developed similar structures for flight
Parallel evolution: This occurs when two related species evolve in similar ways for a long period of time in response to similar environmental pressures. An example is the development of similar traits in marsupial mammals in Australia and placental mammals in other parts of the world. For instance, the marsupial sugar glider and the placental flying squirrel both evolved the ability to glide
Key Concept
Homology, convergent evolution, and parallel evolution are different evolutionary processes that explain the similarities and differences in traits among species.
Homology refers to traits inherited from a common ancestor, convergent evolution refers to similar traits evolving independently in unrelated species, and parallel evolution refers to similar traits evolving in related species due to similar environmental pressures.

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