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World History
Posted 4 months ago
did anyone know that neanderthals were actually the first to have religion, not humans
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Neanderthals and their potential for religious practices is a fascinating topic in the study of early human history. While there is evidence to suggest that Neanderthals may have engaged in ritualistic behavior, it is not definitively proven that they had religion in the same way modern humans understand it.

Archaeological findings, such as the burial sites of Neanderthals, indicate that they might have had some form of ritualistic or symbolic behavior. For example, some Neanderthal graves contain tools, animal bones, and even flowers, which could suggest a belief in an afterlife or some form of spiritual practice. However, the interpretation of these findings is still debated among scholars.

In contrast, early Homo sapiens (modern humans) have more concrete evidence of religious practices, such as cave paintings, sculptures, and other artifacts that clearly indicate symbolic thinking and ritualistic behavior.

While there is evidence suggesting that Neanderthals may have engaged in ritualistic behavior, it is not definitively proven that they had religion in the same way modern humans do. Early Homo sapiens have more concrete evidence of religious practices.
Key Concept
Neanderthal ritualistic behavior
Archaeological findings suggest Neanderthals might have engaged in ritualistic behavior, but it is not definitively proven that they had religion.

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