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World History
Posted 4 months ago
do we know what the population would be now if poeple never died
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The question you posed is quite intriguing and delves into a hypothetical scenario that isn't directly covered in AP World History. However, I can provide some context and analysis based on historical population trends and demographic studies.

If people never died, the population growth would be exponential. Historically, the global population has been influenced by birth rates, death rates, and life expectancy. Without death, the only factor influencing population size would be birth rates.

To estimate the current population under this scenario, we would need to consider the historical birth rates and project them forward without accounting for deaths. This is a complex calculation that involves many variables, including changes in birth rates over time due to factors like economic development, cultural shifts, and technological advancements.

However, it's important to note that such a scenario is purely theoretical and doesn't account for the ecological, social, and economic impacts of an ever-growing population. Resources would become scarce, and the quality of life could be severely affected.

If people never died, the population would grow exponentially, leading to an unsustainable number of people on Earth. This scenario is purely hypothetical and doesn't account for the complex factors that influence population dynamics.
Key Concept
Exponential Population Growth
Without death, the population would increase exponentially, leading to unsustainable growth and significant ecological, social, and economic challenges.

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