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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago

(e) 'Imagine a dictionary with the structure student_id:[student_major, student_cgpa]. Assume majors are represented by strings like 'CoE',
Now define a function avg_cgpa_by_major that takes such a dictionary and a string for major as inputs and returns the average cgpa
with that major.
Sample input/Output:
In_1 = {41251:['CoE',2.5],42509:['EEE',3.1],4 41713:['CoE',1.9],41101:['CoE',2.7]}
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The code defines a function "avg_cgpa_by_major" that calculates the average CGPA for a given major from a dictionary of student IDs to majors and CGPAs. It then tests this function with two use cases.
Step-by-step Instruction
Initialize variables to sum CGPAs and count students with the given major
Iterate over the dictionary, summing CGPAs and counting students if the major matches
Calculate the average CGPA by dividing the total CGPA by the count of students
Return the average CGPA, ensuring to handle division by zero if no students have the given major
Define the main function to test `avg_cgpa_by_major` with specific use cases
Use assertions to verify that the function returns the correct average CGPA for each test case
Time Complexity
The time complexity is O(n), where n is the number of entries in the dictionary, because the function iterates through each entry once.
Space Complexity
The space complexity is O(1), as the function uses a fixed amount of additional space regardless of the input size.

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