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Posted 10 months ago
expected from a cross of pea plants that are heterozygous for both stem height and pod color?Assume that tall is dominant to dwarf in determining stem height and green is dominant to yellow in determining pod color.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
The expected phenotypic ratio from a cross of pea plants that are heterozygous for both stem height and pod color is 9:3:3:1.
Determine the genotypes of the parent plants: Both parents are heterozygous for stem height (Tt) and pod color (Gg)
Set up a Punnett square for the dihybrid cross: Each parent can produce four types of gametes (TG, Tg, tG, tg)
Fill in the Punnett square: Combine the gametes to get the possible genotypes of the offspring
Determine the phenotypes: The phenotypes are determined by the dominant and recessive traits. Tall (T) is dominant to dwarf (t), and green (G) is dominant to yellow (g)
Calculate the phenotypic ratio: The expected phenotypic ratio is 9 tall green : 3 tall yellow : 3 dwarf green : 1 dwarf yellow
Key Concept
Dihybrid cross
A dihybrid cross involves two traits, each with two alleles. The phenotypic ratio for a dihybrid cross of heterozygous parents is typically 9:3:3:1.

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