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Posted 9 months ago
explain how a single gene give rise to multiple forms of protein.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
A single gene can give rise to multiple forms of protein through a process called alternative splicing.
Gene structure: A gene contains exons and introns. Exons are coding sequences that are expressed, while introns are non-coding sequences that are removed during RNA processing
RNA splicing: After transcription, the pre-mRNA undergoes splicing where introns are removed and exons are joined together. This process can occur in different ways to produce multiple mRNA variants from the same gene
Alternative splicing: This is the process by which different combinations of exons are joined together, resulting in the production of multiple unique mRNA transcripts from a single gene
Translation and protein diversity: Each mRNA transcript is translated into a protein, leading to the production of different proteins with potentially different functions from the same gene
Key Concept
Alternative splicing
Alternative splicing allows a single gene to produce multiple proteins by varying the combination of exons included in the final mRNA transcript.

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