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Posted 5 months ago
give an overview of hepatitis b with emphasis on mode of transmission, demographic of interest and explanation of whether or not it is reportable
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can cause chronic liver disease and is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, affects all demographics but is more common in certain regions and populations, and is a reportable disease in many countries.
Mode of transmission: Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted through contact with infectious blood or body fluids. This can occur through mother-to-child transmission at birth, sharing needles, unprotected sex, and blood transfusions
Demographic of interest: While anyone can get hepatitis B, it is more prevalent in certain regions such as Asia and Africa. High-risk groups include healthcare workers, people with multiple sexual partners, and intravenous drug users
Reportability: Hepatitis B is a reportable disease in many countries, meaning that healthcare providers are required to report cases to public health authorities to monitor and control outbreaks
Key Concept
Hepatitis B transmission and epidemiology
Understanding the transmission routes and affected demographics is crucial for preventing and controlling hepatitis B, which is a significant public health concern.

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