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Posted 5 months ago
how can the fundamental of progression can be applied in a classteaching a topic of human evolution? provide 2 practical examples
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Practical examples of applying the fundamentals of progression in teaching human evolution include scaffolding complex concepts and using comparative anatomy.
Scaffolding complex concepts: Start with the basic principles of evolution such as natural selection and adaptation, then gradually introduce more complex ideas like speciation and hominid evolution
Comparative anatomy: Use comparative anatomy to show the progression of physical traits from ancestral species to modern humans, such as the changes in skull shape and bipedalism
Key Concept
Progression in teaching involves building upon students' existing knowledge and gradually introducing more complex information.
By starting with foundational concepts and moving towards more detailed aspects of human evolution, students can better understand and retain the information. Comparative anatomy provides tangible examples of evolutionary changes, making the concept more relatable and easier to grasp.

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