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World History
Posted 5 months ago
how did followers of social Darwinism view the working poor? how were the attitudes od social gospel different from the attitudes of social Darwinism regerding the poor?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Here is your solution:

Followers of Social Darwinism applied Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest to human societies. They believed that the wealthy and powerful were naturally superior, while the working poor were seen as less fit in the social hierarchy. Social Darwinists argued that poverty was a result of personal deficiencies and that social interventions to help the poor were against the natural order. They often opposed government intervention to alleviate poverty, arguing that it would interfere with the natural social evolution.

In contrast, the Social Gospel movement, which emerged in the late 19th century, held a very different view of the poor. Its followers believed that Christianity had a moral obligation to address social issues and that helping the poor was an essential part of Christian duty. The Social Gospel movement advocated for social justice and improvements in the conditions of the working class. They supported reforms such as child labor laws, better working conditions, and the establishment of a social safety net. This movement was driven by the belief that society could be improved through human actions inspired by Christian ethics.
Followers of Social Darwinism viewed the working poor as naturally less fit and opposed efforts to assist them, believing that poverty was a result of personal failings. In contrast, adherents of the Social Gospel believed in the Christian duty to help the poor and advocated for social reforms to improve their conditions.
Key Concept
The key concept here is the differing ideologies of Social Darwinism and the Social Gospel movement regarding the treatment and perception of the poor in society.
Social Darwinism and the Social Gospel represent contrasting views of the late 19th and early 20th centuries on the causes of poverty and the role of society in addressing social inequalities.

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