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World History
Posted 5 months ago
how is a language considered dead if some historians and researchers still understand it
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
A language is considered "dead" when it no longer has any native speakers, meaning that it is not used as a primary means of communication in daily life by any community. Even if historians and researchers can understand and study the language, it does not change its status as dead because it is not actively spoken or passed down through generations in a natural, community-based context.
Key Concept
Language Death
Language death occurs when a language loses its last native speakers and is no longer used in everyday communication. This can happen due to various factors such as cultural assimilation, colonization, or the dominance of other languages. While scholars may still study and understand the language, it is not actively spoken or used in daily life, which is the key criterion for a language being considered dead.

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