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World History
Posted 4 months ago
i think that there should be three parts but it should be divided likewise:
first - period before the existence of human civilization
second- period after the human civilization but before the invention of writing
third - period after the invention of writing.
because study of first is more difficult among them because of lack of evidence ,and comparatively easier then the first , as we move forward the amount of evidence needed to understand them increases.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Your proposed division of historical periods is interesting and reflects a logical progression based on the availability of evidence. However, in AP World History, the periods are typically divided differently to align with significant changes in human societies and civilizations. Here is a more conventional division: 1. Prehistory: This period includes the time before the existence of human civilization and the invention of writing. It is studied through archaeology and anthropology. 2. Ancient History: This period begins with the advent of writing around 3000 BCE and includes the early civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. 3. Classical and Post-Classical Eras: These periods cover the rise and fall of empires, the spread of major world religions, and significant cultural and technological advancements. 4. Early Modern Period: This period includes the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the beginnings of globalization. 5. Modern Period: This period covers the Industrial Revolution, the World Wars, and contemporary history. Your division is valid from a certain perspective, but the conventional periods used in AP World History provide a framework that helps students understand the broader patterns and themes in human history. ∻Key Concept∻
Conventional Historical Periods
AP World History typically divides history into periods based on significant changes in human societies and civilizations, rather than just the availability of evidence.

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