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1017414466's Question
Posted 11 months ago
i.1). y=21ex+42x+5;y(0)=y=21 \cdot e^{x}+4 \cdot 2^{x}+5 ; \quad y^{\prime}(0)= ?
2). y=x2x+4x2;y(1)=y=\frac{\sqrt{x}-2}{x+4 x^{2}} ; y^{\prime}(1)= ?
3) y=(1+sinx)(2cosx);y(0)=?y=(1+\sin x) \cdot(2-\cos x) ; \quad y^{\prime}(0)=?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 11 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find y(0)y'(0) for y=21ex+42x+5y=21 \cdot e^{x}+4 \cdot 2^{x}+5, we use the derivative y(x)=21ex+2x+2log(2)y'(x) = 21 e^x + 2^{x + 2} \log(2) provided by asksia-ll
step 2
Substitute x=0x=0 into the derivative: y(0)=21e0+20+2log(2)y'(0) = 21 e^0 + 2^{0 + 2} \log(2)
step 3
Simplify the expression: y(0)=211+4log(2)y'(0) = 21 \cdot 1 + 4 \cdot \log(2)
step 4
Calculate the value: y(0)=21+4log(2)y'(0) = 21 + 4 \log(2)
y(0)=21+4log(2)y'(0) = 21 + 4 \log(2)
Key Concept
Differentiation and evaluation at a point
The derivative of the function at x=0x=0 is found by substituting x=0x=0 into the derivative and simplifying.
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find y(1)y'(1) for y=x2x+4x2y=\frac{\sqrt{x}-2}{x+4 x^{2}}, we use the derivative result from asksia-ll
step 2
Evaluate the derivative at x=1x=1: y(1)=2350y'(1) = \frac{23}{50}
y(1)=2350y'(1) = \frac{23}{50}
Key Concept
Evaluation of a derivative at a specific point
The derivative of the function at x=1x=1 is directly given by the asksia-ll calculation.
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find y(0)y'(0) for y=(1+sinx)(2cosx)y=(1+\sin x) \cdot(2-\cos x), we use the derivative result from asksia-ll
step 2
Evaluate the derivative at x=0x=0: y(0)=1y'(0) = 1
y(0)=1y'(0) = 1
Key Concept
Product rule and evaluation of a derivative
The derivative of the product of two functions at x=0x=0 is found by applying the product rule and then evaluating at x=0x=0.

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