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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
import static java.lang.System.
; public class OddOrEven 
 private int number; public OddOrEven
 public OddOrEven 
int num
 public void setNum
int num
 public boolean isOdd
 return number 
 public String toString
 return number
 is odd. 
 return number
 is even.";
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The provided Java code defines a class "OddOrEven" that can be used to determine if a number is odd or even. It includes a default constructor, a parameterized constructor, a method to set the number, a method to check if the number is odd, and a "toString" method to return a string indicating if the number is odd or even. The "isOdd" method uses the modulo operator "%" to determine the oddness of the number.
Step-by-step Instruction
Implement a default constructor if initialization of `number` is needed
Implement a parameterized constructor to set `number` to the given value
Implement the `setNum` method to allow updating the value of `number`
Implement the `isOdd` method using the modulo operator to check if `number` is odd
Implement the `toString` method to return a string indicating the oddness or evenness of `number`
Define the `Main` class with a `main` method to test the `OddOrEven` class
Create instances of `OddOrEven` with even and odd numbers and assert the correctness of the `toString` method
Time Complexity
The time complexity for the "isOdd" method is O(1) because it performs a constant-time operation (modulo). The "toString" method also has a time complexity of O(1) as it only involves a single if-else condition and string concatenation.
Space Complexity
The space complexity for the "OddOrEven" class is O(1) because it only stores a single integer regardless of the input size.

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