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austin43400's Question
Posted 4 months ago
The right solution is x - ln|e^x + 1| + 1/(e^x + 1) + C

1(ex+1)2dx\int \frac{1}{\left(e^{x}+1\right)^{2}} d x
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
We start with the integral 1(ex+1)2dx\int \frac{1}{(e^x + 1)^2} \, dx
step 2
To solve this integral, we use the substitution u=ex+1u = e^x + 1. Then, du=exdxdu = e^x \, dx and dx=duexdx = \frac{du}{e^x}
step 3
Since ex=u1e^x = u - 1, we have dx=duu1dx = \frac{du}{u - 1}. Substituting these into the integral, we get: 1u2duu1=duu2(u1).\int \frac{1}{u^2} \cdot \frac{du}{u - 1} = \int \frac{du}{u^2 (u - 1)}.
step 4
We can decompose the integrand using partial fractions: 1u2(u1)=Au+Bu2+Cu1.\frac{1}{u^2 (u - 1)} = \frac{A}{u} + \frac{B}{u^2} + \frac{C}{u - 1}.
step 5
Solving for AA, BB, and CC, we get: 1=Au(u1)+B(u1)+Cu2.1 = A u (u - 1) + B (u - 1) + C u^2.
step 6
By comparing coefficients, we find: A=1,B=1,C=0.A = 1, \quad B = -1, \quad C = 0.
step 7
Substituting back, we have: (1u1u2)du.\int \left( \frac{1}{u} - \frac{1}{u^2} \right) \, du.
step 8
Integrating term by term, we get: 1udu1u2du=lnu+1u+C.\int \frac{1}{u} \, du - \int \frac{1}{u^2} \, du = \ln|u| + \frac{1}{u} + C.
step 9
Substituting back u=ex+1u = e^x + 1, we get: lnex+1+1ex+1+C.\ln|e^x + 1| + \frac{1}{e^x + 1} + C.
lnex+1+1ex+1+C\ln|e^x + 1| + \frac{1}{e^x + 1} + C
Key Concept
Substitution and Partial Fractions
We used substitution to simplify the integral and then applied partial fractions to decompose the integrand, making it easier to integrate term by term.

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