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Posted 4 months ago

the dissacheride sophorose stimulates the synthesis of atransporter in bacteria that allows the cell to take up crlloboise select the strucuture of sophorose, which consists of glucose residues linked by b1 - 2 glycosodoc bond
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Sophorose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose units linked by a β1-2 glycosidic bond.
Sophorose structure: Sophorose is formed by the linkage of two glucose molecules. In this disaccharide, the glycosidic bond is between the first carbon (C1) of one glucose residue and the second carbon (C2) of the other glucose residue. This bond is referred to as a β1-2 glycosidic bond because the oxygen bridge is formed above the plane of the glucose ring, which is characteristic of the beta configuration, and it connects the C1 of one glucose to the C2 of the other
Role in bacterial transport: Sophorose acts as a signaling molecule that induces the synthesis of specific transport proteins in bacteria. These proteins facilitate the uptake of another disaccharide, cellobiose, into the bacterial cell. The ability to transport and metabolize cellobiose can be crucial for the survival and growth of certain bacteria in environments where cellobiose is a major carbon source
Key Concept
Glycosidic bond in sophorose
The β1-2 glycosidic bond in sophorose links the C1 of one glucose residue to the C2 of another, forming a specific disaccharide that can induce the synthesis of transport proteins in bacteria.

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