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Posted 4 months ago
using the standard curve that you constructed, determine how far the following proteins would migrate if electrophoresed on your gel SDS-PAGE gel
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Sure, let's determine how far the proteins would migrate on an SDS-PAGE gel using the standard curve you constructed.

The migration distance of the proteins on the SDS-PAGE gel is determined based on their molecular weights and the standard curve.
Identify the molecular weights of the proteins you are analyzing. For example, let's assume the proteins have molecular weights of 25 kDa, 50 kDa, and 75 kDa
Use the standard curve equation, which is typically in the form of y=mx+by = mx + b, where yy is the migration distance, mm is the slope, xx is the log of the molecular weight, and bb is the y-intercept
Calculate the log of the molecular weights: log(25)=1.398,log(50)=1.699,log(75)=1.875 \log(25) = 1.398, \quad \log(50) = 1.699, \quad \log(75) = 1.875
Substitute these values into the standard curve equation to find the migration distances. For example, if the standard curve equation is y=2.5x+10y = -2.5x + 10, then: For 25 kDa: y=2.5(1.398)+10=6.505 \text{For 25 kDa: } y = -2.5(1.398) + 10 = 6.505 For 50 kDa: y=2.5(1.699)+10=5.253 \text{For 50 kDa: } y = -2.5(1.699) + 10 = 5.253 For 75 kDa: y=2.5(1.875)+10=5.312 \text{For 75 kDa: } y = -2.5(1.875) + 10 = 5.312
Key Concept
Standard curve in SDS-PAGE
The standard curve relates the migration distance of proteins to their molecular weights, allowing us to determine how far proteins will migrate based on their molecular weights.

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