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Posted 5 months ago
what is the energy transformation as tefragments move through the gel?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The energy transformation involves electrical energy being converted into kinetic energy and thermal energy.
Electrical energy to kinetic energy: When an electric field is applied to the gel, DNA fragments, which are negatively charged due to their phosphate backbone, move towards the positive electrode. The electrical energy from the electric field is converted into kinetic energy, propelling the DNA fragments through the gel matrix
Electrical energy to thermal energy: As the DNA fragments move through the gel, there is resistance to their movement. This resistance causes the electrical energy to be partially converted into thermal energy, which can cause the gel to heat up during the electrophoresis process
Key Concept
Energy transformation in gel electrophoresis
During gel electrophoresis, electrical energy is transformed into kinetic energy, which moves DNA fragments through the gel, and into thermal energy due to resistance within the gel matrix.

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