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Posted 5 months ago
what properties should a cloning vector have?
1. origin of replication 2 . primer binding site 3 . restriction enzyme recognition site 4 . selectable marker
5. second genetic marker
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
All the listed properties are essential for a cloning vector.
Origin of replication: This allows the vector to replicate within the host cell
Primer binding site: Necessary for initiating replication or sequencing
Restriction enzyme recognition site: Enables the insertion of foreign DNA into the vector
Selectable marker: Helps in identifying and selecting cells that have taken up the vector
Second genetic marker: Provides an additional selection or screening trait
Key Concept
Cloning vectors are designed to facilitate the insertion, replication, and expression of foreign DNA in a host organism.
The properties of a cloning vector are crucial for its functionality in genetic engineering. Each property serves a specific role, from ensuring the vector is replicated within the host cell to allowing for the selection of successfully modified cells.

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